Address: 5337 Crowfoot Dr, Troy, MI 48085
Phone: (248) 879-0760 (home), (248) 515-7110 (cell)
Spouse: Dolores (Laurie) Gould, married 1972
Met at: I had been working at the Bendix Motor Components Div. in Elmira Hts., N.Y. for a couple years when a new secretary (Laurie) was hired into the “Electronic Fuel Injection” engineering group. She attracted a lot of attention, but I’m happy to say that I’m the one who won out and we ended up tying the knot!
Kids: We have 2 sons. AJ (Andrew) is our oldest (43) and married to Ana. They have 2 daughters, Mariana is 10 and CeCe (Cecelia) is 9. Everyone likes AJ and he is currently is responsible for the computing operations of a local financial firm. Ana works for a firm that does advertising promotions. The grandkids are lots of fun and we are lucky that they only live 1 mile from us, so we get to see them lots! Steve (Steven) is our younger son (39) and lives in downtown Denver. Like his brother, everyone likes Steve and we sure enjoy our trips to visit him and his dog “Ned”, a Jack Russell-Chihuahua mix that always wants to play and go for walks!
Animal: We currently have 2 grand doggies, Ned and Lola. We spoil them with lots of attention whenever we get a chance.
College Major: BSME after making the switch from EE during my Junior year. It cost me an extra year at Clarkson but it was worth it and the additional EE courses along with the BSME degree served me well during my subsequent careers. I took additional coursework in Business Administration
Career: My jobs made use of my BSME but also made use of my EE knowledge. After 1968 graduation, I worked for Bendix Automotive Motor Components in Elmira, NY on electric fuel pumps and advanced carburation systems. In 1972 was transferred to Troy, MI to be part of a new Emission Components Group working with the “Big 3” to determine their emission control component needs and then invent devices, test and refine them, and put into production. Was a highly successful small group! But Bendix doing poor job taking care of it’s employees. In 1975, left to take a job as Plant Engineer at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI. Responsibilities included overseeing the construction of a new Beaumont Hospital in Troy, MI. After building completion I became the Director of Plant & Facilities at Troy. Another good and fascinating job! But I missed automotive engineering. So in 1985, I took an engineering job at the General Motors Tech Ctr. In Warren, MI. In the beginning was involved in doing dimensional variation analysis through the use of computer based variation simulation modeling to determine the best part requirements and assembly processes to use on vehicles under development. Over time, this process was refined and I became more involved in managing the work within our department and within the GM Product Development organization
Spend Time: Retired from GM effective May 1, 2016. I enjoy spending time with friends and family. Enjoy trips to Denver to visit my son Steve and grand dog Ned. Look forward to spending summers “at the lake”. We have a O’Day 322 sailboat that we currently keep on Lake Huron at the Harbour Lights Marina in Bayfield, Ontario, Canada. I wish summers were longer! We have been doing some traveling, most recently to Orange Beach, AL this year to get away from winter for a while.
Most interesting job: I can’t pick one. There are aspects of all three jobs at Bendix, Beaumont Hospital, and GM that were very interesting and rewarding.
Where lived: Elmira, NY , Troy, MI, Melbourne, Australia.
Interesting place visited: Australia (incl. Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide) when working on a GM program in 1993 & 94.
Hawaii (Oahu, Maui)
Greatest accomplishment since graduation : . Raising a family. Also being part of the winning team for the SCCA Northeast Division A-Production Championship in 1971.
Favorite college memory: Enjoying college life with and the friendship of my fraternity “brothers”.
Favorite hobby: Sailing! Tinkering with cars (still have my 1969 Vette roadster (original owner)). Traveling. Reading
News that stands out: The Kennedy assassination!! I was in a Snell Hall class when someone opened the door to tell us. After class, went to the newsroom in Lewis House to watch the updates coming across the teletype!
Friends anxious to see: Everyone ! But most especially my former Triangle house roommates, Brad Closs and Del Arthur! Please note the included pictures of Brad, Del, and me remodeling our Triangle room hangout at the base of the stairs leading up to the 3rd floor bunk room
Favorite things to do now: Spending summers at “the lake”, both sailing and spending time with our friends there. Doing things with the family including our two granddaughters that live only 1 mile away.
Health issues: None
Anything else: Life has been full with too little time to do everything one wants to do. The past 52 years have flown by. Has it really been 52 years !!! I wish that I had made more of an effort to keep in touch with my old friends, including my Triangle Fraternity Brothers. I would like to thank Paul, Lynn, Ron, and the rest of you that are helping to organize this Reunion ! It feels good to be in touch and to have a chance to come together after all of these years !