Richard (Dick) now Rich McCartney
13850 Metcalf Ave., Apt 14119, Overland Park, Kansas 66223
e-mail address:, (hers)
Spouse: Patricia (Pat), 50 years married
Where did you meet your spouse?. We met freshman year in Potsdam on a blind date. She was at Potsdam State as a Secondary English Major. She taught High School AP English and retired as Dept. Chairperson.
We have one daughter, Paula, who is a professional photographer and part time professor at MCAD in Minneapolis. Paula’s website is Her husband, Lex, is also a professional photographer and professor at Bethel University in St. Paul. They have one son, Oliver, who is 9. Oliver was playing Bridge at 7 and is also very creative (like his parents), see photo of his cardboard suit of armor.
Pet? We have always had cats and now have Darcy.
College Major: Mechanical Engineering
Career Field: Material Handling. Started with a field I liked and stayed with it for 45 years. All material handling, mostly coal and limestone handling systems for power plants. Three companies in the first ten years, then 25 years with Black & Veatch in KC, and finally 10 years (part time) with Roberts and Schaefer. 
Retired completely in 2013. A lot of time is now spent woodturning and traveling. We have a complete wood shop here at Tallgrass Creek with two lathes. The shop also does a lot of projects for other residents
Most interesting job ever held? Working part-time for R&S, I did a lot of system development projects and wrote technical papers for conferences. I enjoyed the purely technical work
Lived since graduation? 1968-73 Pittsburgh, PA. 1973-75 Columbia, SC. 1975-2003 Kansas City area (Olathe, KS). 2003-13 Albuquerque, NM. 2013 to now back to Kansas City area (Olathe and Overland Park, KS). Now at Tallgrass Creek a very active Erickson Senior Living Community
Interesting place you have visited? Our yearly trips to Maui in February to go whale watching
One thing you know now that you wish you knew in college? To get a Masters Degree in Business Admin
Favorite college/Triangle memory? Meeting Pat (my wife) freshman year, 1963 and reconnecting, 1967 while getting my Masters Degree. Living in the Triangle House senior year and being Steward
Hobbies? #1 is woodturning, taking a log and finding out what is under the bark. #2 is traveling, mostly in the US (a lot of places we have not seen yet). #3 is photography, mostly nature.
News event while in Potsdam? The assassination of President Kennedy 11/22/1963.
Friends are you most anxious to see? All of the members of our pledge class and those in our wedding party
Favorite things to do now? Other than my hobbies and helping others here at Tallgrass Creek, is NOT having a house/yard to worry about.