Questions for TDK Actives
to be discusssed next time we're having a beer (or 10) together
1. Is it still the custom to throw a guy in the river (or shower) for his birthday?
2. Are the colors still old rose and gray? Yes
3. Is it still engineers, architects and scientists, or is any major good?
No requirement for engineers, architects or scientists
4. Do you still take pledges on rides? Yes, but different kind of ride
5. Do you understand the phrase, "assume the position?" (dying cockroach)
6. Still do the frozen egg in the pants? No
7. Are beer blasts a thing of the past due to higher drinking age?
Yes, beer blasts are a thing of the past.
8. Same secret handshake? Yes
9. Beer in town used to be $1 per pitcher, 3rd one free. Are you jealous?
10. What's this berging thing Ronnie mentioned? see photo below
11. I'd forgotten about Founders Day. What is it and when? Annual Meeting on the
weekend closest to April 18
12. When was the extension added on to the back of the house? Early 1970's
13. Dr. Levy used to give out APC tablets for all ailments. Has the medical situation at
Clarkson improved any in the last 50 years?

~50 active members ~18 actives
Triangle (until 1970) Tau Delta Kappa
~25 lived in house 11 live in house
3 or 4 to a room, sleep in attic 1 to a room, sleep in own room
community dining room eat in own room